Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pelican Lake

So my sweet boy friend, Rodney thought we needed a get away (which we did) so this past weekend we went to Pelican Lake. Now, if all of you are anything like me than you have no idea where that is (or at least I didn't until last week) it is about 30 minutes outside of Vernal. So I thought I would tell you all about my weekend "ruffing it". Now those words are not really in vocabulary, so don't judge me people!

So on Thursday I was getting ready to go when I get a text from Rodney telling me that he found out he had to work Friday so we would not be leaving until after he got off. Which was fine because I had stuff holding me back until about one anyways. So Friday he come to get me in his truck, which he calls "Big Sexy" (??? Don't ask) and we load up my stuff, and Mr. Cooper Dogs stuff and hit the road. Well this was at like 4:30 PM so we hit MAJOR traffic! It took us an hour to get to Riverton to pick up the boat so we could leave. So we didn't get on the road until about 6:30 pm because he had to load some stuff at his house as well, and still stop for gas, and dinner. So we finally head out on our two hour drive trying to beat the sun. Midway through Provo Canyon he turns on the GPS and it pops up telling us we have two hours left. So I ask him " I thought you said this was a two hour drive total from my house." Comes to find out it was a three hour drive, almost four hour drive because he didn't factor in the fact that we were towing a boat behind us. We finally hit Pelican lake around 11:15 that night. We are driving down the road we all of sudden we see a truck in the middle at a complete stop. So Rod thinks they are stuck and pulls up right behind them, and no they were not stuck they were camping right in the middle of the road! That's right kids! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! So we had to back up and take the long way around the lake. We finally get there at about midnight. I am telling you right now. Setting up a tent in the pitch dark is not easy, setting up a tent with me (who knows NOTHING about camping or tents) is ruff as shit! Needless to say Rod was pissed off, I was pissed off that he was pissed off.. It was not a good start to a couples weekend of relaxing.

Saturday we wake up and make breakfast and hit the lake. Where I baked in the sun and he fished. IT was FANTASTICA! We went back in ate dinner, had a camp fire, ate smores, had a drink, and went to bed. It was pretty cool, until I woke up to Cooper crying, so I tell Rodney to let him outside and chain him up. He then tells me NO WAY! Not with those coyotes out there... EXCUSE ME! NOT WITH THE WHAT OUT THERE! OH NO YOU DID NOT JUST BRING ME OUT INTO A WILDERNESS DEATH TRAP! He laughs and said "yes, one walk through camp" HE IS COMPLETELY COOL ABOUT THIS!!! I AM THINK WHAT IN THE GOOD GREAT HELL ARE YOU THINKING BRINGING ME OUT HERE AND THE ONLY PROTECTION WE HAVE IS A PAPER THIN TENT! After a mild panic attack he tells me, don't worry you will be safe... The next day he got his 45 out of the truck and put it in the tent to make me feel better.

Sunday his dad came out and we went fishing! It was tons of fun. I got super sunburned. That night we went back to camp and sweet Rod sprayed himself in the eyes with gas, so we ventured into Vernal ER and had him checked out. THE WHOLE WAY HE CRIED LIKE A MAN, THAT HE DIDN'T WANT TO GO AND DIDN'T NEED TO! Lets just say after the doctor saw him and flushed his eyes twice and sent him how with eye drops he was singing a different tune. We were going to have stakes that night but due to unfortunate events we had Vernals best.... KFC. :) Also due to the sunburn I took advantage of the flushing toilets, and purchased some aloe to help with my burn.

Today we came home, and I must say I took the best shower of my life!!!!! However, It was a great weekend, with my baby, and my dogie.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Becoming a Mother!

So yes, I have finally taken the leap and become a Mama bear.. I have adopted a cute little puppy! His name is Cooper! He has been lots of fun, and there has been lots of lost sleep due to the new memeber of my wolf pack! He loves to leave me little "gifts" and thinks he is human! :) He melts my black little heart! He is learning quick, that its not ok to chew on my shoes,(Cause I would kill people for less) how to sit, and that its not ok to bite mom.. Yes I call my self his mom, simply because this is as close to a child I will ever have.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Forever kind of love!

So I got yet another request of advice sent to me wanting my intellect to advise them.. So here we go!

What is the best way to get over someone? I just want to love them forever!

Lost in the Unknown...

Dear Unknown,
First of, I wanted to let you know this is all to familiar for me.. I have struggled with this before in the past, but just remember that what worked for me may not work for you. You has already answered your own question, simply by signing this letter. It is an unknown constant unanswered question that everyone in the world can't seem to get there hands on. If there was a person out there that could come up with a ten step program on him how to mend a broken heart, The would be a legend. I would sell my soul for the secret. I have been in your position before. I loved this person with everything that I was, every fiber of my body wanted to make him happy. However, It didn't matter how much I wanted it, it mattered that he didn't. I use to ask my sister the same question "How do I get over that forever kind of love? How do you tell your heart,mind and body not to love this person and want them?" Her simple but very true response was this. "You don't ever forget it, so you never can get over it 100% But sometimes you have to love what good for you, and he is not good for you, because he no longer wants you. There comes a point when you just have to suck it up and file it under lessons learned."
I waited for him for what seemed like forever, I waited for him to wake up one day and decide that he wanted me and all of me, and that he would get into his car and race to where ever I was and tell me that he was stupid, in love, and that he was dumb but wasn't going to live with out me anymore. I waited almost two years for this to happen, and honestly sometimes I still do. I look at it like this, I loved this person, I wanted whatever he wanted if it was going to make him happy, and this just wasn't me anymore. This doesn't mean that I am not good enough for someone else, its just a matter that I have to be willing for it to happen again, and as long as you sit around waiting for him it won't. It took me a really Long time to accept that fact that someone else was going to make him happy. I have finally accepted this. Accepting his happiness with someone else was the first step for me. I finally decided that if he was going to come back to me he would have done it three days, weeks, months or hours after the break not years. I finally took the jump and accepted that if he was going to come back he would have already, and hasn't so therefore he isn't going to. Once I took the time to get use to that I decided that my happiness was important too, not only to me but to my friends and family and even him. That's right! When I finally started dating someone new he sent me a message telling me congrats! He was happy I was happy. I honestly don't think he wanted to hurt me, but he did. When me and this person broke up it was very civil for the most part. Neither of us cheated or did anything wrong ( at least to my knowledge) for us it just wasn't there on both parties. After we broke up I remember him telling me he never wanted this to happen, but he couldn't risk leading me on waiting for it to happen for him. (OUCH! Right!) I had told him once before that if it ever came to a break I could handle loosing him as a Boy Friend but not a friend I couldn't loose him all together. When we broke he said the same thing to me. So we decided to try and be friends. That left me reading between line that were not even there! So it best to make a clean break I feel. Because when I finally did.. It set me free from waiting. IT TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO CUT THE TIE... BUT I DID. IT stung all over again. I guess the whole thing if you love something let it go, and if it comes back it was meant to be is really true. For me it wasn't meant to be, and that may be your case as well. I know this may sound cut throat but the best advice to make this a speedy process is cut yourself off. You told me in the email that you both shared friends, GET NEW FRIENDS!!!!!!!! Walk away with your head held high, tell him he hurt you and leave it at that. Also, don't be afraid to cry about it. Never be ashamed of your emotions. Tell him that you are hurt and you ACCEPT THIS!Just because you accept it doesn't mean you have to understand it, all you can do it take what you are given and make the best of it. I don't believe there is such a thing as "forever kind of love" really anymore, Love grows with the relationship. So if the relationship is over, it cant grow. I believe there is a love that can with stand anything but both parities have to be willing to work on it. In my case he wasn't willing to work at it because it wasn't there.

So you have a choice, accept this for what it is, and move on or keep waiting but remember! LIFE DOESN'T STOP FOR THE BROKEN HEARTED!(I WISH IT DID!) It keeps moving on just like people. I wish I could tell you that you will wake up in a few days and everything will be OK again, but chances are if you loved them like you did or do, it may take a while. We all heal in different ways, and different speeds. I will promise you this, it will get easier someday. The 6 months to a year are going to be super hard because you will remember all your memories about what you were doing in February with him, but it will pass. For as long as you choose not to move on, The longer it will take you to heal. If you are truly willing to get over him you will.

I really wish I could help you better just because I have been there, done that and bought a T-shirt, but you have to survive your own battlefield. That's what love is. You can't run across a war zone and not get hurt. Let the scars be the a story IN your life, not your life story.

Hope it helps!
Good Luck!


Flowers, Guns, and Utah Lake!

So I have never really had a Valentine before, I always get a boy friend before, after or it's just not that "serious" of a relationship for it be classified as that... However, It's never really been a bad day either. For example last year me and a group a friends just went out and had a party and celebrated the fact that we were "too cool" to have one.. The year before that I was some what hanging out with some guy and I got my first kiss (from him), and spent the next night with Marlyn Manson... So see its never been a hated holiday, just an awkward one. This year I wanted it to be different. 2010 is a big year for me, I am turning 25 (UGH!) I am living alone again (finally) and learning to love myself ( Hard as shit) and trying to fix the regrets of my past... ( key word there is try!) So I figured I needed to add a Valentine into the mix of things! OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! AM I GLAD I DID! I am not sure what makes something the best or worst, but if I was in charge of making the scale I would have to say he did a pretty good job!

It all started by me getting picked up in and over sized big sexy blue dodge! Yeah I know that makes me some what of a redneck... Anyways so we get to the car, and inside he has the cutest little flower arrangement inside of a balloon... Yes boys and girls no type-O there, it was in fact inside of a heart shaped balloon! We then start our journey in his hot ass truck to... Well I had no fetching clue where we were headed at this point however we ended up at Utah Lake, We drove around and looked at stars and it was so romantic! Then he pulled his gun out... NO really I promise this is not a dirty remark or sexual innuendo in any way! He pulled out a real hand gun.. It was called a XD 45 but I names is Spartacus's, cause that's how I roll! Anyways, then he let me fire the little guy off! IT was Amazing! It was a rush! IT was AWESOME! It was even better because as some of you know I always wanted to be a Forensic criminologist, and it just felt sooooooooo good! IT was like I was meant to have a gun in my hand.. I know this sounds crazy but shooting a gun is almost therapeutic! Its great! ( I promise I am not going to kill anyone, unless they start shit... There's your warning!)

After that he took me to dinner, we went to Chili's and I had the best hamburger ever to be consumed in this world... It was so tasty and probably bigger than my head.. Oh I wanted to finish it, but I just couldn't (DAMN STOMACH!) Never the less it was delightful! Then we went back to his place and watch this move call couples retreat! It was fabulous!

Over all it turned out to be a pretty fun date! So if this is what I have been missing out on, I really need to start taking applications for next year! :) Thank you Hallmark for this consumer driven holiday, I have officially given it my stamp of approval, and that pretty damn impressive!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

This was a TOP NIGHT... Top night!

So last night I was sitting home wondering what to do, when I made a call to a friend (Bryon) asking if he wanted to hang out... He quickly agreed because lets face it I am just a cool kid. So we decided that we were going to get a movie from Red Box and just chill. Also I had to drop of a Christmas Present to a friend that lived over by him so he was going to go with me. So I jumped in the shower and got ready for the night. I drove to his house thinking that it was going to be a regular night... (What the Hell was I thinking, Nothing is never simple/or low key in my life!)

I get to his house and he lets me in, and he finished getting ready while I waited, When he was done we started walking from his house to my car, we get stopped by the cops and asked if we could show some picture I.D. I agreed and started digging through my black whole of a purse to find my wallet. When Byron says hang on a min, you always ask them why. I didn't even know I could ask a cop why, plus I didn't really have anything to hide, except that one time in Mexico, but I thought that what happened in Mexico stayed in Mexico. So I felt pretty confident they were not going to drop kick me, and cuff my ass. Anyways back to the story at hand. So the cop (who was HOT by the way... Just in case you were wondering) tell us that they are just looking for some people and so they were checking the I.D's of the people on foot. So we show him our I.D. and he thanked us and wished us a good night... ( I knew I could trust the Mexican border! FEEEEW! ;) ) So we get in my car and he head out to get pizza, wondering what the hell was going on... So we pull out of his drive way and head down 7200 south were we see more cops parked on the side of the road doing the same thing, as well as all over the Target parking lot doing the same. At this point I got the sneaking suspicion that this was not just a little something.. Weird huh! So we get to my friends house to do the Christmas thing and look on Ksl.com to see if we can find anything. Sure enough KSL.com tell us that there were BOMB threats and BOMB placed all over that area! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could have died! I could have been blown into a million and a half pieces of bomb excrement! ( but I wasn't so lucky me!) After that he got a call from his fried Steve-o inviting us over to hang out (who we later saw in a parking lot and chased him down. Plus we were already on our way to his house.. Guys are weird.. and slightly stockerish). So we head out to Talyorsville (I think) to hang out. When we arrive I could hear the rock band busting windows from inside... I then knew at this point I was in for a bumpy ride. We get inside and start drinking.. (yipee!) and almost instantaneously Bryon turns into a prat boy and They start talking shit, putting there hands down there pants and sticking there fingers out the zipper, Humping me, feeling free to cop a feel on my boobs etc.. So we start to smoke the hookah and drink some wine and before you know it, I start walking around with my finger in my zipper! Jk that's a lie.. But needless to say I relaxed a little bit.
Later we started playing poker, then watched Family guy, and finished the night with some epic Rock band... Now not to toot my own horn or anything but I totally kick ass in Rock Band while completely inebriated. (98% on Slow Ride.. Come on now really... I'm a rock star)

After this the sausage fest started to kill of because Dallas, Luke, and some other guy ( I can't remember his name) passed out, Steve-o killed out on the couch, and Cooper.. Well I am not really sure what happened to Cooper but he was doing his thing. That dude is a fighter. The term " The party don't stop til 6 in the morning" was completely created based on him and his impeccable talent to ride out a drunken stupor for hours.

So Byron and I ventured back to his place where I found out that his friends liked me because I am cool ( Duh! I could have told them that!) and finally I got some sleep at about 4:30 Am... I have not partied like that in years! It was pretty epic. It was a top night!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dear Nosferatu

I had the following question asked to me today about girls, and would like me answer this for him.. ( I am assuming its a him.)

Dear Heather:
Why is it when girls get mad they take forever to tell you why, or what you did. Why can't they just be up front with you?"


OK, well I will do my best to respond to your predicament, however keep in mind that I am not this girl, and this was very vague.

Dear Nosferatu,
Thank you for writing me and asking for my honorable advice.:)(GO YOU!) I am not sure what you did or why you did it, but this sound kind of childish. If a girl really cares about you and wants something with you they will communicate it to you...Even if she doesn't really want to! I once had a full blown panic attack trying to tell a guy that I wanted to have the "DTR" talk with him! And it was not even about the Determine the relationship conversation... It was just me telling him I wanted it to have that conversation. It scared the living shit out of me because I thought it would scare him off, or at least should because us dating was very new, However I did it.(GO ME!)It simple... It comes down to your happiness, needs and wants. It ended up being good and it was exactly what I needed if I wanted to keep dating him. If they are not doing this (communicating)then they might be scared about telling you because it may hurt you in some way, or they are just stuck in the 10Th grade and playing the role. Either way in any relationship, Friendship or any other "ship" talking about issues is the only way to resolve them. Trust me! Girls not willing to do this like that they are getting attention and a lot of it. So it sounds like a game to me... If you honestly didn't do anything to her then she is just digging for reasons to be the center of attention! So my advice Nosferatu is this.. You want her to be up front with you.. You be upfront with her. Tell her that you don't know what you did or said to make her mad, don't apologize for something your not sure you did, and if you did do it don't apologize for something that you felt was the best choice. However, that doesn't mean you can just blow her off... We all have feelings... Now if what you said or did is something you regret then you should probably man up and own up to it and clear the air, and buy her a cookie or two. If she doesn't give you enough respect to work it out, then she most likely is not worth it.

Good luck!


Monday, November 30, 2009

So he's a Pimp... And I'm the Slut!

So I had a friend ask me the following question: " Why is it when men sleep around or cheat they get called a Bad Ass, Pimp, or Player? But If I sleep around or cheat I become a Slut, or Bitch?"

Well let me explain, as I am sure this is a question many ladies may have... (Who am I kidding, I have never thought of this, or thought of how unfare it is to be called something like a slut vrs being called a Pimp?)

First off these repulsive classifications are nothing to be proud of, and further more nothing someone would want to be proud of.. Let us brake this down into a quick little vocab lesson..

Pimp: A pimp, also called a fleshmonger or pander, manages people in prostitution (in brothels and on the streets) in order to profit from their earnings. Typically, a pimp will not force prostitutes to work, although some have been known to be abusive in order to keep their prostitutes submissive or to maximize profits.

Player:In human sexual behavior, promiscuity denotes sex with relatively many partners. In human cultures where polygamy is accepted, it is distinguished from promiscuity.

Ok, Ladies... Really? Why would you want to be refereed to as an aggressive fleshmonger who denotes sex with many partners? Ok, The next one "Hot Shit" I will have to break it down for you.

Hot:High temperature, Spicy food, pungency Physical attractiveness or sexual arousal.

Shit:Shit is usually considered a vulgarity and profanity in Modern English. As a noun it refers to fecal matter (excrement) and as a verb it means to defecate or defecate in; in the plural ("the shits") it means diarrhea. Shite is also a common variant in British English[citation needed].

Just so I am understanding this fully you would really want to be High temperated spicy piece of fecal matter? See these names do not make them "cool" Or better that a Slut of girl. What is comes down to is if your cheating and sleeping around, chances are that you should be compared to excrement and many other nasty things. The difference is, is that men embrace it and make it something to be proud of. So do the same thing be proud of being a whore ( now if you going to ask me how to do that, don't because I don't have the slightest idea.)These names are only cool because the people being called them don't care that they are poopy! Simple as that! So I am not really sure why you would rather be a Pimp than a whore, or a Player rather than a Slut because at the end of the day I personally wouldn't want to be any of them. But If it will make you feel better here is some advice on how to handle this, If you don't want to be called these names then don't tell people about you being a slut, Player, Pimp, or whore. If you for some reason can not help the fact and must tell everyone about your personal life... Well then you are just out right screwed and better get use to your new nicknames.
