Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pelican Lake

So my sweet boy friend, Rodney thought we needed a get away (which we did) so this past weekend we went to Pelican Lake. Now, if all of you are anything like me than you have no idea where that is (or at least I didn't until last week) it is about 30 minutes outside of Vernal. So I thought I would tell you all about my weekend "ruffing it". Now those words are not really in vocabulary, so don't judge me people!

So on Thursday I was getting ready to go when I get a text from Rodney telling me that he found out he had to work Friday so we would not be leaving until after he got off. Which was fine because I had stuff holding me back until about one anyways. So Friday he come to get me in his truck, which he calls "Big Sexy" (??? Don't ask) and we load up my stuff, and Mr. Cooper Dogs stuff and hit the road. Well this was at like 4:30 PM so we hit MAJOR traffic! It took us an hour to get to Riverton to pick up the boat so we could leave. So we didn't get on the road until about 6:30 pm because he had to load some stuff at his house as well, and still stop for gas, and dinner. So we finally head out on our two hour drive trying to beat the sun. Midway through Provo Canyon he turns on the GPS and it pops up telling us we have two hours left. So I ask him " I thought you said this was a two hour drive total from my house." Comes to find out it was a three hour drive, almost four hour drive because he didn't factor in the fact that we were towing a boat behind us. We finally hit Pelican lake around 11:15 that night. We are driving down the road we all of sudden we see a truck in the middle at a complete stop. So Rod thinks they are stuck and pulls up right behind them, and no they were not stuck they were camping right in the middle of the road! That's right kids! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! So we had to back up and take the long way around the lake. We finally get there at about midnight. I am telling you right now. Setting up a tent in the pitch dark is not easy, setting up a tent with me (who knows NOTHING about camping or tents) is ruff as shit! Needless to say Rod was pissed off, I was pissed off that he was pissed off.. It was not a good start to a couples weekend of relaxing.

Saturday we wake up and make breakfast and hit the lake. Where I baked in the sun and he fished. IT was FANTASTICA! We went back in ate dinner, had a camp fire, ate smores, had a drink, and went to bed. It was pretty cool, until I woke up to Cooper crying, so I tell Rodney to let him outside and chain him up. He then tells me NO WAY! Not with those coyotes out there... EXCUSE ME! NOT WITH THE WHAT OUT THERE! OH NO YOU DID NOT JUST BRING ME OUT INTO A WILDERNESS DEATH TRAP! He laughs and said "yes, one walk through camp" HE IS COMPLETELY COOL ABOUT THIS!!! I AM THINK WHAT IN THE GOOD GREAT HELL ARE YOU THINKING BRINGING ME OUT HERE AND THE ONLY PROTECTION WE HAVE IS A PAPER THIN TENT! After a mild panic attack he tells me, don't worry you will be safe... The next day he got his 45 out of the truck and put it in the tent to make me feel better.

Sunday his dad came out and we went fishing! It was tons of fun. I got super sunburned. That night we went back to camp and sweet Rod sprayed himself in the eyes with gas, so we ventured into Vernal ER and had him checked out. THE WHOLE WAY HE CRIED LIKE A MAN, THAT HE DIDN'T WANT TO GO AND DIDN'T NEED TO! Lets just say after the doctor saw him and flushed his eyes twice and sent him how with eye drops he was singing a different tune. We were going to have stakes that night but due to unfortunate events we had Vernals best.... KFC. :) Also due to the sunburn I took advantage of the flushing toilets, and purchased some aloe to help with my burn.

Today we came home, and I must say I took the best shower of my life!!!!! However, It was a great weekend, with my baby, and my dogie.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a good time. :) I hope to go camping some time this summer.
