Monday, February 15, 2010

Flowers, Guns, and Utah Lake!

So I have never really had a Valentine before, I always get a boy friend before, after or it's just not that "serious" of a relationship for it be classified as that... However, It's never really been a bad day either. For example last year me and a group a friends just went out and had a party and celebrated the fact that we were "too cool" to have one.. The year before that I was some what hanging out with some guy and I got my first kiss (from him), and spent the next night with Marlyn Manson... So see its never been a hated holiday, just an awkward one. This year I wanted it to be different. 2010 is a big year for me, I am turning 25 (UGH!) I am living alone again (finally) and learning to love myself ( Hard as shit) and trying to fix the regrets of my past... ( key word there is try!) So I figured I needed to add a Valentine into the mix of things! OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! AM I GLAD I DID! I am not sure what makes something the best or worst, but if I was in charge of making the scale I would have to say he did a pretty good job!

It all started by me getting picked up in and over sized big sexy blue dodge! Yeah I know that makes me some what of a redneck... Anyways so we get to the car, and inside he has the cutest little flower arrangement inside of a balloon... Yes boys and girls no type-O there, it was in fact inside of a heart shaped balloon! We then start our journey in his hot ass truck to... Well I had no fetching clue where we were headed at this point however we ended up at Utah Lake, We drove around and looked at stars and it was so romantic! Then he pulled his gun out... NO really I promise this is not a dirty remark or sexual innuendo in any way! He pulled out a real hand gun.. It was called a XD 45 but I names is Spartacus's, cause that's how I roll! Anyways, then he let me fire the little guy off! IT was Amazing! It was a rush! IT was AWESOME! It was even better because as some of you know I always wanted to be a Forensic criminologist, and it just felt sooooooooo good! IT was like I was meant to have a gun in my hand.. I know this sounds crazy but shooting a gun is almost therapeutic! Its great! ( I promise I am not going to kill anyone, unless they start shit... There's your warning!)

After that he took me to dinner, we went to Chili's and I had the best hamburger ever to be consumed in this world... It was so tasty and probably bigger than my head.. Oh I wanted to finish it, but I just couldn't (DAMN STOMACH!) Never the less it was delightful! Then we went back to his place and watch this move call couples retreat! It was fabulous!

Over all it turned out to be a pretty fun date! So if this is what I have been missing out on, I really need to start taking applications for next year! :) Thank you Hallmark for this consumer driven holiday, I have officially given it my stamp of approval, and that pretty damn impressive!

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