Monday, November 30, 2009

So he's a Pimp... And I'm the Slut!

So I had a friend ask me the following question: " Why is it when men sleep around or cheat they get called a Bad Ass, Pimp, or Player? But If I sleep around or cheat I become a Slut, or Bitch?"

Well let me explain, as I am sure this is a question many ladies may have... (Who am I kidding, I have never thought of this, or thought of how unfare it is to be called something like a slut vrs being called a Pimp?)

First off these repulsive classifications are nothing to be proud of, and further more nothing someone would want to be proud of.. Let us brake this down into a quick little vocab lesson..

Pimp: A pimp, also called a fleshmonger or pander, manages people in prostitution (in brothels and on the streets) in order to profit from their earnings. Typically, a pimp will not force prostitutes to work, although some have been known to be abusive in order to keep their prostitutes submissive or to maximize profits.

Player:In human sexual behavior, promiscuity denotes sex with relatively many partners. In human cultures where polygamy is accepted, it is distinguished from promiscuity.

Ok, Ladies... Really? Why would you want to be refereed to as an aggressive fleshmonger who denotes sex with many partners? Ok, The next one "Hot Shit" I will have to break it down for you.

Hot:High temperature, Spicy food, pungency Physical attractiveness or sexual arousal.

Shit:Shit is usually considered a vulgarity and profanity in Modern English. As a noun it refers to fecal matter (excrement) and as a verb it means to defecate or defecate in; in the plural ("the shits") it means diarrhea. Shite is also a common variant in British English[citation needed].

Just so I am understanding this fully you would really want to be High temperated spicy piece of fecal matter? See these names do not make them "cool" Or better that a Slut of girl. What is comes down to is if your cheating and sleeping around, chances are that you should be compared to excrement and many other nasty things. The difference is, is that men embrace it and make it something to be proud of. So do the same thing be proud of being a whore ( now if you going to ask me how to do that, don't because I don't have the slightest idea.)These names are only cool because the people being called them don't care that they are poopy! Simple as that! So I am not really sure why you would rather be a Pimp than a whore, or a Player rather than a Slut because at the end of the day I personally wouldn't want to be any of them. But If it will make you feel better here is some advice on how to handle this, If you don't want to be called these names then don't tell people about you being a slut, Player, Pimp, or whore. If you for some reason can not help the fact and must tell everyone about your personal life... Well then you are just out right screwed and better get use to your new nicknames.



  1. I am a very proud slut. Thank you for clarifying.

  2. I am speechless. (Oh, look! I spake!)

    Personally, I am not a loose woman of the night or syphilitic-dicked whoremonger. I am a fair-skinned, doe-eyed, virginal archetype of purity and conscience. Because of this--and because the shaky-handed alcoholic doctor who circumcised me mangled my manhood--this talk of bestial lust confused me. The words contained in this missive vex me, as do all the traditions of ye of Sodom and Gomorrah. Whoredom is whoredom; yea, verily, it is so.

    Love in Christ,

    Long John Woodworth II
    Early 19th Century Christian Youth Preacher
