Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Miracle of Life!!

So this week I got the unwelcome advantage of seeing the gift of life at work, now I see this everyday working at a children's hospital but this was much more then my average day of work. I was walking in to work and was confronted by a man who was going off in Spanish, now all of you should know I don't know Spanish at all...( OK I know a few naughty words) but other than that I couldn't ask were a bathroom was if I needed it. So I was trying to pick up on words here and there... All I could understand was my wife and that's only because he said "My wife" in English... Then this man that was apparently in distress and dragged me to his car. I got to his car and saw the most unexpected thing, I saw his wife in full blown labor! That’s right, we are talking lying in the back seat huffing and puffing and ready to push that baby out! I would like to take the time to tell you all, I am not equipped to handle this kind of thing. I have never helped someone give birth, nor have I taken any classes on this... So I did what every other person would have done and went into a full blown panic. After a small panic attack I finally put Two and Two together and got a very scaring 4. That is when my super hero skills kicked in and I ran to the E.R. to get some trained professionals (Just and FYI I am not a jogger. It makes me sweat, and I am not a fan of perspiration!) Anyways after running into the Hospital and getting a wheel chair for this woman, and contacting the ER, and regaining composure (Kind of) I kindly told the EMT that I was a clinical assistant, and was not trained to handle this kind of thing. This however gave him the biggest laugh of his adult life... I have decided that my dream of going back to school to get my RN that Labor and Delivery has been removed from the list of possible departments I would like to work in, due to this very graphic display I witnessed! I think maybe I will get into geriatrics; there I would not have to worry about helping with labor... However that will make me face another issue... Old People... Ugh... Don't even get me started! Hmm... I starting to think maybe I would be a better bartender.


  1. I am so glad that finally blog. I have been awaiting this day with great anticipation--and slight panic. Yea, verily.



  2. Lol. If you get in to geriatrics, then you have to deal with nasty bed pans!!! That'd be fun...NOT!!! But could make for some pretty funny stories!
