Sunday, December 27, 2009

This was a TOP NIGHT... Top night!

So last night I was sitting home wondering what to do, when I made a call to a friend (Bryon) asking if he wanted to hang out... He quickly agreed because lets face it I am just a cool kid. So we decided that we were going to get a movie from Red Box and just chill. Also I had to drop of a Christmas Present to a friend that lived over by him so he was going to go with me. So I jumped in the shower and got ready for the night. I drove to his house thinking that it was going to be a regular night... (What the Hell was I thinking, Nothing is never simple/or low key in my life!)

I get to his house and he lets me in, and he finished getting ready while I waited, When he was done we started walking from his house to my car, we get stopped by the cops and asked if we could show some picture I.D. I agreed and started digging through my black whole of a purse to find my wallet. When Byron says hang on a min, you always ask them why. I didn't even know I could ask a cop why, plus I didn't really have anything to hide, except that one time in Mexico, but I thought that what happened in Mexico stayed in Mexico. So I felt pretty confident they were not going to drop kick me, and cuff my ass. Anyways back to the story at hand. So the cop (who was HOT by the way... Just in case you were wondering) tell us that they are just looking for some people and so they were checking the I.D's of the people on foot. So we show him our I.D. and he thanked us and wished us a good night... ( I knew I could trust the Mexican border! FEEEEW! ;) ) So we get in my car and he head out to get pizza, wondering what the hell was going on... So we pull out of his drive way and head down 7200 south were we see more cops parked on the side of the road doing the same thing, as well as all over the Target parking lot doing the same. At this point I got the sneaking suspicion that this was not just a little something.. Weird huh! So we get to my friends house to do the Christmas thing and look on to see if we can find anything. Sure enough tell us that there were BOMB threats and BOMB placed all over that area! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could have died! I could have been blown into a million and a half pieces of bomb excrement! ( but I wasn't so lucky me!) After that he got a call from his fried Steve-o inviting us over to hang out (who we later saw in a parking lot and chased him down. Plus we were already on our way to his house.. Guys are weird.. and slightly stockerish). So we head out to Talyorsville (I think) to hang out. When we arrive I could hear the rock band busting windows from inside... I then knew at this point I was in for a bumpy ride. We get inside and start drinking.. (yipee!) and almost instantaneously Bryon turns into a prat boy and They start talking shit, putting there hands down there pants and sticking there fingers out the zipper, Humping me, feeling free to cop a feel on my boobs etc.. So we start to smoke the hookah and drink some wine and before you know it, I start walking around with my finger in my zipper! Jk that's a lie.. But needless to say I relaxed a little bit.
Later we started playing poker, then watched Family guy, and finished the night with some epic Rock band... Now not to toot my own horn or anything but I totally kick ass in Rock Band while completely inebriated. (98% on Slow Ride.. Come on now really... I'm a rock star)

After this the sausage fest started to kill of because Dallas, Luke, and some other guy ( I can't remember his name) passed out, Steve-o killed out on the couch, and Cooper.. Well I am not really sure what happened to Cooper but he was doing his thing. That dude is a fighter. The term " The party don't stop til 6 in the morning" was completely created based on him and his impeccable talent to ride out a drunken stupor for hours.

So Byron and I ventured back to his place where I found out that his friends liked me because I am cool ( Duh! I could have told them that!) and finally I got some sleep at about 4:30 Am... I have not partied like that in years! It was pretty epic. It was a top night!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dear Nosferatu

I had the following question asked to me today about girls, and would like me answer this for him.. ( I am assuming its a him.)

Dear Heather:
Why is it when girls get mad they take forever to tell you why, or what you did. Why can't they just be up front with you?"


OK, well I will do my best to respond to your predicament, however keep in mind that I am not this girl, and this was very vague.

Dear Nosferatu,
Thank you for writing me and asking for my honorable advice.:)(GO YOU!) I am not sure what you did or why you did it, but this sound kind of childish. If a girl really cares about you and wants something with you they will communicate it to you...Even if she doesn't really want to! I once had a full blown panic attack trying to tell a guy that I wanted to have the "DTR" talk with him! And it was not even about the Determine the relationship conversation... It was just me telling him I wanted it to have that conversation. It scared the living shit out of me because I thought it would scare him off, or at least should because us dating was very new, However I did it.(GO ME!)It simple... It comes down to your happiness, needs and wants. It ended up being good and it was exactly what I needed if I wanted to keep dating him. If they are not doing this (communicating)then they might be scared about telling you because it may hurt you in some way, or they are just stuck in the 10Th grade and playing the role. Either way in any relationship, Friendship or any other "ship" talking about issues is the only way to resolve them. Trust me! Girls not willing to do this like that they are getting attention and a lot of it. So it sounds like a game to me... If you honestly didn't do anything to her then she is just digging for reasons to be the center of attention! So my advice Nosferatu is this.. You want her to be up front with you.. You be upfront with her. Tell her that you don't know what you did or said to make her mad, don't apologize for something your not sure you did, and if you did do it don't apologize for something that you felt was the best choice. However, that doesn't mean you can just blow her off... We all have feelings... Now if what you said or did is something you regret then you should probably man up and own up to it and clear the air, and buy her a cookie or two. If she doesn't give you enough respect to work it out, then she most likely is not worth it.

Good luck!
